How Do I Clear Storage on Mac: Easy Guide?

If you’re a Mac user, you may have encountered the “Your disk is almost full” notification. Running out of storage space can slow down your Mac, making it less efficient and more difficult to use. Fortunately, clearing storage on a Mac is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance its performance. In this guide, we will explore various methods to clear storage on Mac and keep your system running smoothly.

Understanding Storage Usage on Mac

Before diving into the methods to clear storage, it’s important to understand what is taking up space on your Mac. Here are the common culprits. "How Do I Clear Storage on Mac"

  1. System Files and Temporary Files
  2. Large Media Files (Photos, Videos, Music)
  3. Downloaded Files and Old Installers
  4. Applications and Associated Files
  5. Cache and Log Files
  6. Duplicate Files

By identifying these storage hogs, you can target the specific areas that need cleaning.

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How to Check Storage Usage on Mac

The first step in managing your storage is to check what’s occupying space. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Open About This Mac

Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen and select "About This Mac."

Step 2: Go to the Storage Tab

In the window that appears, click on the "Storage" tab. This will provide a breakdown of how your storage is being used.

Step 3: Analyze Storage Categories

Review the categories listed, such as Applications, Documents, Photos, and System. This will give you an idea of where to focus your efforts.

Method 1: Use Built-In Storage Management Tools

MacOS comes with built-in tools to help you manage and clear storage. Here’s how to use them:

Optimize Storage

  1. Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner and select "About This Mac."
  2. Go to the Storage tab and click on "Manage."
  3. Select "Optimize Storage." This feature will automatically remove TV shows and movies you’ve already watched, and it can also manage your email attachments.

Empty Trash Automatically

  1. In the Storage Management window, find the option for "Empty Trash Automatically."
  2. Enable this feature to automatically delete items in the Trash after 30 days.

Reduce Clutter

  1. In the Storage Management window, select "Reduce Clutter."
  2. Review large files and files you might no longer need. You can sort these by size, last accessed, and more.

Method 2: Manually Delete Unnecessary Files

While the built-in tools are helpful, manually deleting unnecessary files can free up even more space. Here’s. "How to Clear Storage on Mac".

Delete Large Files

  1. Open Finder and go to "All My Files."
  2. Sort files by size to find the largest files.
  3. Review and delete any files you no longer need.

Clear Downloads Folder

  1. Open Finder and navigate to your Downloads folder.
  2. Review the contents and delete any old installers, disk images, and other files you no longer need.

Remove Duplicate Files

  1. Use Finder or a third-party app to search for duplicate files.
  2. Delete duplicates to free up space.

Method 3: Clear Cache and Temporary Files

Cache and temporary files can take up a significant amount of space over time. Clearing these can help reclaim storage:

Clear System Cache

  1. Open Finder and select "Go" from the menu bar.
  2. Select "Go to Folder…" and type in ~/Library/Caches.
  3. Review and delete cache files from various applications.

Clear Browser Cache

  1. Open your browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.).
  2. Go to the settings or preferences menu.
  3. Find the option to clear browsing data or cache and delete it.

Clear Application Cache

  1. Open Finder and select "Go" from the menu bar.
  2. Select "Go to Folder…" and type in /Library/Caches.
  3. Review and delete application cache files.

Method 4: Remove Unnecessary Applications

Applications can take up a lot of space, especially if you have many that you rarely use. Here’s how to remove them:

Uninstall Applications

  1. Open Finder and go to the Applications folder.
  2. Review the applications and drag any unused ones to the Trash.
  3. Empty the Trash to free up space.

Delete Application Support Files

  1. Open Finder and select "Go" from the menu bar.
  2. Select "Go to Folder…" and type in ~/Library/Application Support.
  3. Review and delete unnecessary support files from applications you’ve uninstalled.

Method 5: Use Third-Party Storage Management Tools

Several third-party applications can help manage and clear storage on your Mac. Here are a few recommended ones:

CleanMyMac X

  1. Download and install CleanMyMac X from the official website.
  2. Run a scan to identify junk files, large files, and unused applications.
  3. Use the cleanup tools to remove these files safely.


  1. Download and install DaisyDisk from the official website.
  2. Scan your Mac to visualize disk usage.
  3. Identify large files and folders and delete them to free up space.

Disk Drill

  1. Download and install Disk Drill from the official website.
  2. Use the duplicate finder to locate and delete duplicate files.
  3. Run cleanup tools to remove unnecessary files.

Method 6: Move Files to External Storage or Cloud Services

If you have files that you don’t need to access regularly, consider moving them to external storage or cloud services:

Use External Hard Drives

  1. Connect an external hard drive to your Mac.
  2. Drag and drop files that you want to move off your Mac.
  3. Safely eject the drive when done.

Use Cloud Storage Services

  1. Sign up for a cloud storage service like iCloud, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
  2. Upload files to the cloud to free up local storage.
  3. Access your files from any device with internet access.


Clearing Storage on your Mac is essential for maintaining its performance and efficiency. By understanding what’s taking up space and using a combination of built-in tools, manual deletion, and third-party applications, you can effectively manage your storage. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to keep your Mac running smoothly and avoid the frustration of running out of space.


  1. How do I check what’s taking up space on my Mac?

    • Go to "About This Mac" and select the "Storage" tab to see a breakdown of storage usage.
  2. What files can I delete to free up space on my Mac?

    • Consider deleting large files, duplicate files, old downloads, cache files, and unused applications.
  3. Can I use third-party apps to clear storage on my Mac?

    • Yes, apps like Clean My Mac X, Daisy Disk, and Disk Drill can help manage and clear storage effectively.
  4. How often should I clear storage on my Mac?

    • It’s a good practice to review and clear storage every few months to keep your Mac running efficiently.
  5. What should I do if I can’t free up enough space on my Mac?

    • Consider moving files to external storage or using cloud services to free up additional space.

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